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‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadephia’ is the first show I have seen to be acted, directed and written by the same person…Rob McElhenne. The pilot was filmed on a low budget by a few friends and retains its low-budget feel, the  down-to-earth edge. It is developed by Glenn Howerton and Rob McElhenne, both part of the show. The show is highly creative..and many a times takes a comical outlook towards social and economic issues faced by many of us…be it being hit by recession, selling out, underage drinking or steroids.

All character are special…and when I say special, I mean “really” special. Charlie Day in particular takes the show to another level…every act he does is hilarious. “The Green Man”, “Dayman Song”, “Nightman Cometh” are perfect examples of his awesomeness…They are called “The Gang” and have assigned themselves roles like:

The Wild Card–>Charlie Day(Charlie Day)

The Looks–> Dennis Reynolds(Glenn Howerton)

The Brains–>Mac(Rob McElhenney)

The Muscle—>Frank(Danny DeVito)

The Useless Chick–>Dee(Kaitlin Olson)

Among all the shows that are currently running, this show is the best out there…it’s short, funny and creative. Even though it hasn’t won any major awards or even been nominated[??#!$@], which is very surprising..but it has 9.2/10 rating on imdb…i guess the critics don’t like it’s unique humor, or they understand it as they have an old sense of humor…or perhaps they want a re-run of “Sienfeld”…but from my point of view, this show is much better, as here every character acts like “Kramer”.

The cast has the most interesting stories on and off-screen…for example, Charlie is like totally in love with “The Waitress”(Mary Elizabeth Ellis) but she finds him repulsive and has a crush on “Dennis”…but ironically, in real life Charlie and Mary are married.!  Same with Dee and Mac…

After watching this[totally hooked], i feel there is hope for TV humor after all[it didn’t die with friends]…Also, it’s interesting that they went with FX, who offered them freer rein artistically than the other networks and may not be able to work quite as blue as they could’ve on HBO. I had side by side been watching “Game of Thrones” which nowhere comes closes to anything like “Rome”…all they offer is nudity…and raw sex. I don’t say that bad or wrong…but it should compliment the show…which sometimes it doesn’t..and seems forced. I gave “Game of Thrones” a 7/10…but more on that later.

The show is very entertaining, extremely funny, sometimes with a sick humor…the cast is amazing. I love it and I am sure you would love it too…here are some bits and pieces of the show to get you hooked…


2.”Nightman Cometh (live)”

3.”The Fun Parts…”

I want to say this…I am so glad I was born in this part of century…with previous ones fighting world wars and the next ones fighting “global warming” or “robots” probably…I have seen so many good show…I have laughed so much, I would love to write something this special someday…and be a part of something unique.

Go have fun.

Inner Peace.


First off, I was a huge fan of Tintin comics when I was young…although I didn’t have enough pocket money to buy all back then…however, times were simpler and better…I had much better friends and among were some who like me…liked to read all but could buy some…so came the option TRADE.

Back then we could trade anything in exchange for anything…and comics and novels made the top of the list…trading pc games, wrestling cards, I remember trading all my tazzos a thing back then for a pc game…which ended up not running on my system.

Anyways, the REVIEW:


I was already very excited to watch it from the moment I had seen the trailer…a new kind of animation…would it work? and will it be up to expectations? would Steven Spielberg, who has till yet not directed any single animation movie give this an edge it needs?

The answer is:YES…from the beginning the animation looked brilliant…there is no wastage in unnecessary introduction (a plus and a minus) the movie is fast paced and throughout has kept it that way…its short and sweet. There is no dull moment in the entire movie and is jam packed with action and laughter…no wonder Spielberg had a eye on Tintin…he only goes for the best.

Snowy is by far one of the best character I have seen in animations and will keep the viewers on the edge laughing…very intelligent for a dog…a little bit overdone in respect he looks almost human.

Thompson and Thomson were shown quite little considering the fact they play a major role in the comics…but were ever they were shown they were at there best.

Easily the most stunning and ambitious of these is a chase through the streets of a Moroccan port where Tintin (Jamie Bell), Captain Haddock and Snowy pursue the villainous Ivanovich Sakkharine (Daniel Craig), who has managed to get his hands on three pieces of paper that form part of a secret. Our heroes are on a motorcycle, the villain in a jeep, and they weave through the streets, dodging pedestrians, flash floods and dancing seconds away from death at every turn, all the while passing the papers between each other.

Even though shortcuts were taken, and as true to their originals as they are, the characters have been slightly redesigned. But in the end you have a movie that can be appreciated both by fans of the comics as well as people who have “just heard about them”. It is fun, packed with adventure and action, enjoyable at all ages.

a 7/10 from my side and imdb gives it 7.8…as it packs all the laughs and action together in an awesome way…however, the thing and most crucial note is a limitation: that there is nothing new…however good the movie maybe…the characters have already been played in comics and a cartoon series for the matter of fact…had the movie been something new…i would have like it more..and even bumped it up for an Oscar win but in my opinion Kung fu Panda 2 had a much original script and awesomeness.

Peace Out..


I had heard a lot about Breaking Bad…with 9.4/10 rating on imdb it was hard to miss…and after watching numerous of show I had never imagined to stumble across such a goldmine…a master piece.

For those who haven’t watched it here’s a synopsis on Breaking Bad:

Bryan Cranston(famous for “Malcolm in the Middle”) plays high school chemistry teacher Walter White, who is constantly battling the looming specter of financial disaster – by supplementing his paltry teacher’s salary with a second job at a local car wash, and trying to cope with the impending arrival of a new baby, even as he and his wife raise their disabled teenage son.
Then in the midst of all this, Walter makes a shocking discovery: he has inoperable lung cancer, and therefore only a few years left to live at best. Facing the very real possibility of leaving his family struggling not only with his death, but a financial situation that could only end in catastrophe, Walter suddenly has a revelation, and decides to become a crystal meth cook.

REVIEW: I would have given it a 9/10 before…but i just completed Season 4 and it sure does get a 10/10. The thing about Breaking Bad is every episode…literally every..has an unexpected twist…a surprise in it…be it a new character introduction, blowing up a building, finding out he can beat cancer, or the DEA catching up…

It does get slow and somewhat average in between…(and here average is like  8/10)…but then there’s always something in the next which would blow your mind…and you be like this the sh*t!

Also, Walter White is a perfectionist…every scene he plays is epic. Skylar White, played by Anna Gun is an annoying, over-protective wife…who I hated till Season 4(where she accepts walt’s reasoning)…Even though Walter runs the whole show, some characters like Saul Goodman and Gustavo ‘Gus’ Fring are often overlooked…they play there parts perfectly and ‘Gus’ maybe the most bada** guy I have seen on TV. Jesse Pinkman, a partner of Walt gives an excellent performance in parts..and the junkies in the show are hilarious.

Some of Best Scenes and Moments of the show…

#1. “This is not Meth…”

Walt had been fighting his transformation from suburbanite do-gooder to criminal throughout the entire first season.He even points out that he wants to be a “silent partner”, and doesn’t want bloodshed. But Jesse gets destroyed by Tuco, who is half pit bull and half insane drug kingpin. Walt’s response is to take a gigantic step closer to his full transformation:

#2. “Stay out of my TERRITORY…”

Walt knows he sells the best meth but had always wandered as an under-dog…unknown to many and dis-respected but in this scene he becomes the BOSS.

#3. “Walter White, Avenging Angel…”

and at last the most admirable and epic scene of all….that i even compared him to Joker…the insane laugh with a mind-f**king soundtrack…EPIC!

#4. “Is this the End?…”

My only advice…get your hands on Breaking Bad as soon as possible…it’s the best series I have seen so far.

Breaking Free,


Coming Soon…

Hey guys, I kinda write on a monthly basis…and it’s been almost a month since i last wrote…well it’s not that I have nothing to write but the thing i wanna make my post look good…so people give it a thought..get some new perspective. And I’ll do just that.

Anyways, last few weeks have been crazy…so much so my college limit of downloading went down one day and i went BANANAS…literally. nearly14Gb download. here’s a snap of my downloading…just wanna boast a little…so just go with it.

The BB here is Breaking Bad…yeah! Here’s a list of what i saw and want to review within the coming blogs…and you can like watch them if you like what you read…


1.  Breaking Bad

2. It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia

3. Game of Thrones

4. The 4400

few Movies like Memento(got a bit late on that), One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Horrible Bosses, GoodFellas…

and some awesome Animes like Death Note(watched it way back this was a 2nd viewing), Code Geass, and Soul Eater…

Note: I didn’t mention names of some I didn’t like…and on a personal note, I really wanna get this out…My girlfriend is a biatch! I am quite frustrated with her and I deal my frustration with the craziness above…crazy,right! same happens when I am depressed…so, about the gf situation…I don’t even like her that much…but I like having a girl’s company…the thing is she’s like one point all desperate to meet up or talk…and the next she’s all ignoring and busy. what’s up with that!…I am an engineering student, I find time to do stuff…so I haven’t called her like for months..(but I do miss her voice.) and I don’t like break-ups…so if like she’s reading this(though it’s highly unlikely) I wanna say F**K YOU!<—(written by unstable mind)

Anyways, back to my senses…reviews of breaking bad and others coming up…stay tuned.

I wanted to write the review here itself…but the post would have been long and I know many have quit halfway right now…so I’ll write a new one.

Peace out.


Movie Review: Real Steel(2011)

Hey guys, finally had the chance to watch Real Steel today…told you i am gonna watch it this week….haha.

Anyways, the movie from trailers looked freaking awesome…so i was desperate to check it it’s score on imdb kept on increasing from a mere 6.5 to 7.3/10.

The movie is true to it’s ratings and lives up to the expectations…and what sets the film apart is  the incredible CGI. Your jaws drop when you see those eight feet tall mighty giant robots enter the ring! The sound effects are mind blowing, especially when the robots punch each other…totally awesome!

It’s not like transformers…it has a plot…a good one. It doesn’t over show the robot fights…they are short and sweet. I kinda wished their were more! The fights are very intense…and that’s what gives it a huge edge.

The plot: Well, to make it short…Former boxer Charlie (Hugh Jackman) is now a broken man with bills to pay and trains robots to box…and each robot is special in it’s own way.

Meanwhile, some circumstances force Charlie to meet his estranged son Max…soon Max too gets involved in the game…”like father, like son”…and meets up in an unusual way with his robot…ATOM. The robot though 2nd generation changes the game, and their lives…The whole story then revolves around Atom and how he wins fights..”An underdog takes on the champion…who wins?”

Though it’s fictional, everything about the film seems real…the fights, relationships, re-discovery of self belief in the lead character.

However their are some faults…the movie is a bit cheesy and logical incorrect…like these advanced  robot are repaired in a jiffy by amateurs..Max is a bit over-dramatic…but that’s expected out of a kid…and the moment between Bailey (Evangeline Lilly) and Charlie is totally out of context.

But then no picture is perfect…surely not a robot one…however REAL STEEL is the real deal! go watch it as soon as possible…

It’s Rock-em Sock-em Robots meets Rocky….and highly recommended!! Don’t miss the chance and wait for the download…the fights are only to be appreciated in the theaters.!


Peace Out.


So, this is my 3rd post within 24hrs…it’s a dull sunday…wanted to go for the latest flick “Real Steel”…but i am damn lazy and had no company…so decided to put it off…i plan to watch it within the week…and will post a review as soon as i see it..but until then…you’ll have to do with TV.

I decided to spend this dull Sunday with some Splinter Cell: Conviction…it’s damn addictive, with amazing graphics and awesome soundtrack…

Infact, I decided to put one in this blog…read the rest listening to this…pretty please.

So, I continue with this post to update you on my favorite and returning season of already hit TV shows…


A highly recommended series for it’s sensational character built of “Barney”, the womanizer…the series 007, the only person keeping the series alive…comes back with a bang! Season7…where Barney is getting married!

The Series is full of ups-and-downs…some episodes just crack you up…while others pass your time…that’s what is something interesting about this show too…you can hate it and then love it at the next instance…but wherever the series performance goes down…Barney manages to keep it from falling in the pit.

The first 3 episodes are worth watching…with the 3rd one among the best to come out yet…however in the 4th one released recently you sadly see that the main plot has not much too offer…it’s high time the show get to it’s original point…the meeting of the mother.! Yeah, the creators are sacrificing the plot to earn the big bucks…bunch od silly loaders.

Anyways, enjoy while you get 7.8/10.


Winner of a Golden Globe…the series comes back with a bang…Season 5..and from the looks of it the bang can only get bigger and bigger…is the best series to come back and so far has delivered 10/10.

If you are new, watch it!! you have nothing to lose…and will definitely end up laughing in the end…those who are followers, watch the new season as it airs on ” new night, new time, same theory…”

The show is out with 4 episodes…so what are you waiting for? cookie.?

The Last One…


For those still in withdrawal from the cancellation of Arrested Development, let me write you a prescription: Modern Family…the new talk among the TV Freaks(guilty!)…Great f_cking show. Period.

Has been nominated for 4 Golden Globes…and has come out with their 3rd Season…and 4 episodes.

Those who haven’t heard about it…watch it asap!! It won’t disappoint…matches with Arrested Development and is family-entertainer…highly recommended! a 9.2/10.

signing off…


I wanted to organize my start…like start where i started from…but that takes time…and all the shows and movies i saw first are mostly seen by all tv viewers…like my next show after “FRIENDS” was “How I Met Your Mother”…then “Scrubs”..and so on.

I then thought why not update everyone regularly and add the previous seen shows(data) like a FLASHBACK…in between something…that would keep you updated and me creatively satisfied…

First a new show I watched…but didn’t like..TERRA NOVA.

It starts dull…with a start almost like avatar…except the creatures instead of something new are good ol’ dinosaurs…they are not scary and certainly not pleasing…i can already picture it going out of production soon…may not even get a second season…

Anyways, I write this post to update you on my favorite and returning season of already hit TV shows…


Winner of two golden globes…it’s quite thrilling and sometimes funny to watch…quite dark so beware if you start new! but in my sense not body can hate Dexter…he reasons you out…showing you his past and “the day he was born”.

The series has comeback with Season 6…the start has been somewhat not that good…but even it’s not that good is rated by me and others 8.8/10…but the show is so good that you expect a 10/10.

Anyways, the show has season premiered on 2nd Oct…and will continue weekly…infact today a new episode comes out…so if you are new, good you got 5 seasons of “awesomeness” to cover…and if you are follower…well watch it today!

More to come…continued on Part 2 are “The Big Bang Theory” and more…

signing off…



Welcome to my lair…


Usually it is said that ” first impression is the last impression…but I say ” I am a puzzle…u can’t understand me on the first piece…but put it all together and you get the whole picture”…

But usually Movies and TV Shows are reviewed on the first look…and i prefer TV shows since they have tougher selection…”can they continue the momentum?” “can they hook us up on the first episode?” “is there a main plot?”…things like these judge a show from getting picked or not by a network…sometimes even the best ones don’t get picked…sometimes even a good series is discontinued as the network can’t fund more…

for Movies…it’s there “Trailers” that give the edge…but these days even crappy movies can make a wonderful trailer…

So,  my first tv show was “FRIENDS”…many have heard about it I know…many have seen it…but i add a fact it had one of the best pilots i have ever seen…and also has one the best characters i have ever seen…”Chandler”.

although all characters are hilarious and act perfectly…Matthew Perry who acts “Chandler”…according to creators was picked as he didn’t need to act it…he himself was a part of  “Chandler”…a role that fit him perfectly…so much so if the network, instead of producing “Joey” could have produced “Chandler and Joey”, the show would have run for atleast 3 seasons…rather than 1!



Watching Joey and Chandler on the show, I have laughed and cried…sometimes both at the same time…hard to say if “Friends” is anything but flawless on the first run…so much so i have re-watched it twice.

However, among the best pilots are also “Arrested Development”, “Prison Break” and “Lost”.

But, “Friends” takes up the top for character built…and insane comical situations that you wish they could happen to you in real life…

I call them “Friends on TV”…

signing off…hope you like the first post…will keep posting.


watch this…for best of “chandler and joey”.